Privacy Policy

We are extremely proud of our commitment to protecting your privacy online. We value your trust in us and will work hard to earn your confidence so that you can use our services and recommend us to other potential customers. Our Privacy Policy promises never to sell, rent, barter or share with any third party, personally-identifying information collected during your use of the site without your prior permission. From time to time we may reveal general statistical information about our Site and visitors, such as the number of visitors, number and type of goods and services purchased, etc., but we will never reference you by name or specific address.

Information Collection
We do collect and store the names, addresses, credit card numbers, and other personally-identifying information of customers who make purchases. This information is saved in a secure environment and is kept for our records making it easier for you to use our services on return visits.

How this information is used
The information we collect is used to process customer transactions and build features that will make the services available on the site easier to use. This includes faster purchases, better customer support, and timely notice of new products and special offers.

Information collected by is stored in a single, secure database, accessible only by management and 3rd Party hosting.

From time to time, may contact you to request feedback on your experience using the site, to assist us in improving the site, or to offer special savings or promotions to you, as a site user. If you would prefer not to receive notices of special savings or promotions, you may simply opt out from receiving them by replying to using the contact us hyperlink provided.

How You Can Access or Change Your Personally-Identifying Information
To protect your privacy and security, we will verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your personally-identifying information. If you have registered your information when making a prior purchase on our site, your username and password are required in order to access your personal information.

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure correct use of information, has employed the highest standard of internet security methods and technologies. The system uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to protect all sensitive personal information including credit card number, name and address. This information is then encrypted, using 128-bit encryption, both as it transmitted to, and stored in the database.